We sense our time is drawing near to leave. This apocalyptic event requires that we take advantage of our pool and summer (we have been hearing reports of a brisk winter in Sydney). Experimenting with an archaic BBQ pool side is one example of this – there was a small spot fire in Hollywood, but Dave managed to keep it under control. We feast on kebabs for the next 3 days, the dilemma quickly became how to work off half a chicken coup and a small abattoir…
Dave works his off on the back of a Ducati, another vehicle to add to his repertoire. Exploring the Angeles National Park cliff tops as close to the edge as possible – Dave’s standard style. The videos he proudly displays on his return - skimming the gravel etc are a little alarming, but he is alive!
I top mine off with an Ocean of fish at Katsuya. We dine with the very entertaining Phil & Christine, spending the night piecing together the 4th July and sharing photos. Despite arriving at the Valet Parking in a Kia (NB. The Kia has not been washed for 2 months and at this point it looks like we pulled it out of the La Brea tar pits), we still feel Rock n’ Roll and pose for the Paparazzi at the door. They don’t budge.
The next day we figure we had better make the most of the last few hours on the Ducati before returning it. We pay homage to the fine beast with a ride through the canyons topped off with breakfast at Santa Monica.
Now how are we meant to top that off? Hmmm ‘Vegas Baby – Vegas’! An impromptu trip is planned in a matter of moments. Trump Tower here we come!
Just like the ‘Swingers’ version, during the first hour of our trip ‘Vegas, Baby, Vegas’ is punctuated with numerous exclamation marks. After a missed turn and sweltering in 43 degree heat, the slow drawl ‘Vegas, Baby… Vegas’ is all we can manage.
We pass the time in the car with themed iPod battles. The song may have to have a person’s name in it, a country theme, water reference, a Vegas icon, something you have seen on the trip – basically eye spy for adults. Mix this in with iPod Trivial Pursuit and Woolah – 6 hours have passed!
Arriving at midnight, we fall into a coma at our Gold Castle. Only after being upgraded to a top level suite – we still love the ‘We just got engaged’ card and have won many a hand of poker with it already.
Despite the perfect tanning conditions at Trump, the gold building reflecting onto us, the water reflecting up at us and the clear sky filled with more 43 degree heat, we head over to the Venetian pool to meet up with Nicks Junior. We find him being followed eagerly by a group of predatory cougars. After rescuing him we move on to the Tao pool area where the cocktails are punctuated with cucumber and the nipples are marked with stars!
‘Vegas the most wonderfully exciting horrible place’ – take note another gem of wisdom from Christian Nicks people. The facade, the phony sets and the phony sets (of breasts), it is true, it is all a show, a lie, but who doesn’t want a little escape now and then and here we are in the wonderful fairy tale land of Las Vegas!
Encounter one was a very humorous incident at the Cirque de Soleil show ‘O’. This entailed the bouncer as we entered telling us ‘no flash photography’, then oddly having our flash free camera revoked mid show, with a card to collect it later. Upon collection we had to delete the photos of ‘O’ in front of the security guard. The last photo pre show was of us celebrating our upgrade by Dave looking out the window of the 36th floor ‘butt’ naked, the poor security guy will have that image tattooed on his retinas for some time. We dine at Yellowtail, and watch the old men in ridiculous bling try and pick up the pretty young waitresses who smile appropriately for their tip. We catch up with Christian again and work the line at Tao nightclub, this place is big enough for its own postcode! We waltz past NBA star Marcus Camby and somehow continue into VIP! This is a lot easier without a Kia.
After a small bit of gambling with no real result we head home, only one more weekend left…
Swimming at the Newport wedge satiates our thrill seeker split personalities; lunch at Laguna Beach fills our stomachs. We quickly drive home past the OC Mountain Goats (yep actual mountain goats) and head to the Comedy Store with Alex, who is impressed with our terrible beat boxing/rapping skills. Dave heckles with the best of them alter ego Raoul - 1, Comedian – 0.
It is a day of golf for the boys at the ‘Swingers’ course, after 3 games it is a dead tie! We savour the last couple of days of swimming. Now here we are heading back to a country where there are almost as many cases of swine flu as in Mexico, and we are still flu free.
A work summary - 6 weeks of auditions, 15 auditions, 2 call backs, 1 hold, 2 conflicting jobs a good response from casting agents, but unfortunately the cash flow has come to an end (payment in modeling years is about as long as the difference between human and dog years)… Sadly it is time to leave, but at least we get to have an engagement party back in Sydney! LA we will miss you…S